I usually come across ppl who tell me that they are too shy to write. Some of them have resigned themselves to the fact that they can never write well, though they still nudge the hope of writing what they think and feel - an urge to shout out to the world whats bothering your mind - it could be a story, a concept, a movie review, a book review, a gadget review, a daily update, a stock market view or a general observation about life.

I am willing to help all you souls through my blog. You will get to publish your articles on my blog. If you are unsure, I will help you develop the story line or help you with proof reading and editing. If you choose to not identify yourself, you could give yourself a nickname, and be rest assured that I wont divulge the information.

Why would you use this option? This helps you to remain anonymous if you wish; you can still be lazy about creating your own blog; you can enlist my help in editing/proof reading/concept stage; you get to share your story with the world; you dont have to register like you do everywhere else to access the content; and last but not least, it gives you the confidence to start a blog of your own.

Whats in it for me? I am interested in your stories and I wanted a place where I can read all the stories at a stretch instead of wading through a lot of blogs in search of something good - this esp goes out to those who dont update the blogs regularly! I love to hear your stories and I love to tell mine... what better place to start this than my blog!

Reach me at mrunalini@gmail.com, if you are game. Time to vent out you frustration, among others.

PS1: I might consider sketching out some writers agreements just so that we dont disagree on these little things in the future - depending on the response I get.

PS2: Please feel free to forward this link to all those who might be interested in this

PS3: I am considering publishing all of these on a new blog altogether
Labels: edit post
3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Here's to a great start!
    Really cool template, btw :)

  2. Mrunalini Says:

    Thanks :) There are a lot better templates out there than the insipid ones on blogger

  3. Anonymous Says:

    hey, nice doing :)

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